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Should we require video cameras in DDS group homes?

A bill filed in the state Legislature would require residential programs across the state for persons with developmental disabilities or mental illness to install video surveillance cameras in common areas in their facilities in order to deter and potentially prosecute abuse.

We support the bill (H.158) in concept although we’re not sure how effective the measure, as currently drafted, would be because it would not require security cameras in bedrooms. The bill is in the Children, Families, and Persons with Disabilities Committee. We’ve posed a number of questions to the committee about it.

H.158 states that video cameras must be installed at all entrances, exits, and common areas of facilities licensed by the Departments of Developmental Services and Mental Health, including community-based group homes and inpatient facilities. The bill, however, would not require the installation of cameras in bedrooms, where it could be argued that most abuse occurs.

If properly drafted, this bill could serve as an additional safeguard to abuse and neglect, and supplement a separate bill (S. 2367), which would establish a registry in the state of caregivers found to have abused persons in DDS-funded facilities. S.2367, known as Nicky’s Law, was approved unanimously by the Massachusetts Senate last week.

Massachusetts currently appears to have no laws that specifically restrict videotaping in group homes, but there are statutes and regulations that restrict audio-taping without consent. A guardian can apparently install a video and audio camera in the bedroom of a developmentally disabled individual with the permission of the facility provider.

On October 15, I emailed a number of questions relating to H.158 to the Legislature’s Children and Families Committee. Among my questions were:

1. Do you know whether similar legislation has been enacted elsewhere or what its effectiveness has been?

3. Do you have any information or estimates on the cost of installing and maintaining cameras and monitoring units in all DDS and DMH residential facilities?

4. Do you have any information on the number of abuse incidents that occur in common areas or in entrances or exits of group homes?

To date, I have not yet heard back from the Committee.

Literature on video surveillance in group homes and other long-term care settings

There is some academic literature that is critical of the idea of video surveillance in long-term care facilities. But there are experts who vouch for the effectiveness of video surveillance, at least in helping prosecute caregivers for abuse. There seems to be some agreement that the cameras are not necessarily as effective in deterring abuse as in helping prosecutions after abuse has occurred.

Judge Rotenberg Center case

An article by The New England Center for Investigative Reporting (NECIR) implied that cameras were effective in bringing criminal charges in at least one case at the Judge Rotenberg Center in Canton, MA. The October 29, 2018, article stated that a 22-year-old man was repeatedly whipped by a belt-wielding caretaker in a Rotenberg Center group home. The caretaker was criminally charged after his actions were caught on video.

Apparently, the Rotenberg Center and its 45 group homes are equipped with surveillance cameras. At the same time, however, it appears the cameras have apparently not stopped the relatively high number of abuse cases that the Rotenberg Center is cited for each year.

The Rotenberg Center has long been a focus of controversy because of its practice of administering electric skin shocks to program clients as a behavior modification technique.

The NECIR found that the Rotenberg Center was cited for abuse of adult residents more than any other special needs school by the Disabled Persons Protection Commission between 2011 and 2016. Our own analysis of DPPC data showed that the Rotenberg Center led other providers in two separate regions in the state in total complaints or highest percentage of abuse complaints referred for criminal investigation between Fiscal 2010 and 2019.

Rape case spurs camera legislation in Arizona

Palm Beach Post article in February discussed the debate over surveillance cameras in noting that a rape in an an Arizona Intermediate Care Facility was spurring legislation in that state to allow cameras in long-term care facilities.

The article stated that Arizona was considering whether to join 10 other states — Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, Virginia and Washington — with laws or regulations allowing surveillance equipment inside nursing homes, assisted living centers and other group residential settings.

The Palm Beach Post article noted that most of those laws place the option and cost of electronic monitoring on residents and their guardians. According to the article, a majority of the laws allow residents or their surrogates to put cameras or monitoring devices in their rooms but require them to notify the facility, among other conditions.

Carole Herman, founder of the advocacy group Foundation Aiding the Elderly, was quoted in the article as saying, “The (healthcare) industry doesn’t want it obviously. But if they care about these people, what’s the resistance to these cameras?”

The article also quoted one expert who said a properly designed closed-circuit TV system with “multiple monitoring points” could be a good deterrent.  However, in many cases, nobody is watching the video monitors, the expert said.

We think it might make sense to add a requirement to H.158 that DDS-funded facilities install surveillance cameras in bedrooms or other areas where abuse is known to take place, provided that the DDS clients involved or their guardians or family members agree to those placements. As noted, it does not appear to us that current law would prevent those installations.

Ultimately, we think the solution to the abuse problem lies in changing the culture in provider organizations, which is currently lax regarding training and supervision of group home staff. Without first taking that step, relying on surveillance technology and the registry may lead to a false sense of security.

  1. Anna Eves
    October 23, 2019 at 11:21 am

    Video cameras in bedrooms is not a good idea and could lead to a whole new can of worms of the exploitation of people with Developmental Disabilities – the problem with the bill is it includes DDS and DMH which have some overlap but are too totally different agencies – requiring this bill have video cameras in bedrooms will do nothing but assure that it will never pass.


  2. Edward Orzechowski
    October 24, 2019 at 9:10 am

    I have mixed feelings about this issue. Cameras in common areas might deter abuse, and possibly detect post-abuse behaviors, e.g., cowering from a nearby attendant. Yes, bedrooms certainly provide opportunities for abuse. But, even with parent/guardian approval for bedroom cameras, it still feels invasive. If the resident were capable of understanding, would he or she give approval? Also, bedroom cameras open another unintended opportunity—voyeurism.


  3. October 24, 2019 at 9:43 am

    Good points, Ed. The bill, in fact, states that DDS and DMH must consult with the Executive Office of Public Safety in maintaining the the video data. In any configuration of cameras in group homes, it would seem that DDS would have to adopt additional regulations preventing and criminalizing unauthorized access to or use of the cameras or that data.


  4. itanzman
    October 24, 2019 at 8:24 pm

    My son was abused in the bathroom, a place where there will never be cameras because of privacy issues. I’m not sure how this will work or if it will actually curtail abuse. Who gets access to the videos? Probably the providers get access and not the parents. That’s a problem right there. Who does the monitoring? If we really want to curb abuse, the oversight or citizens advisory boards should be over the DDS and its contracted providers instead of run by the DDS.


    • Anonymous
      March 27, 2024 at 6:21 pm

      so sorry about your son. Looking into cameras in my son’s residence.


  5. Just my two cents
    October 25, 2019 at 11:24 am

    DDS and DMH should be dealt with separately.

    All day programs, including grounds, and transportation should be under video surveillance. Any objection to that would be questionable.

    Placing cameras in residences, but only at entrances, common areas, and exits would be like putting cameras on the highways, but only on the on-ramps and exit ramps…

    Decisions as to camera placement in other areas ordinarily considered private should be the sole decision of the person, their family, and/or guardian, unless there is only a sole guardian appointed by DDS, and then there needs to be in place a procedure to have someone *independent* of DDS fill that role, someone accountable such as a licensed therapist.

    Under no circumstances, ever, ever, ever, should DDS have control over cameras, video, or any aspects of recording st all. Ever.

    The reason this topic was raised is not because it’s a problem, but because it’s a symptom of a problem or problems, inadequacies, and unsatisfactory results in other areas. Clearly, self-monitoring and reporting are not working. There needs to be truly independent oversight of anything and everything where DDS and vendors are involved. ‘Citizens advisiory’ does not qualify.


  6. Concerned parent
    October 25, 2019 at 11:21 pm

    I do agree with camera’s and think guardians should be able to have one in the bedroom or at least aimed at the door. no parents are not allowed to put in camera’s as of now that I know of. My own child was abused at a group home recently and a camera could have caught it earlier! DDS, and the human rights advisory board are strongly against it, mainly they claim privacy issues. The real problem is monitoring and I do not agree with it going internal to the agency, or to DDS it should be closed circuit and kept safe and able to access for guardians.
    There is no safety in self reporting the entire house was involved, they would not let her out of her room for long period’s and even shut her hand in a door trying to get out. I am not feeling good about they system of oversight and the mere fact that the real problem is there needs to be zero tolerance of staff mistreating a client. The staff are trusted, and some are truly good, but then when one starts to do bad things and it is allowed, others follow, and sadly respect is lost that their job is to be there for the client to support them and that they are in their homes! I could go on but I fully support this bill!!!!!


  7. Ann S
    February 6, 2020 at 5:36 pm

    What is the status of this bill and does anyone know how it will pass muster with the Feds.
    We are trying to do a similar bill in NH. I’d appreciate any information any of you might have !


  8. Larura
    May 10, 2020 at 3:52 pm

    I’m just trying to see if my son’s has seizures during the night. I have no intention is suing anyone or “catching anyone in the act.” I just want to know if he’s OK. When he lived at home we had two cameras in his bedroom to make sure he was in bed and OK.
    Anyonw have any advice? We live in CT. TIA


  9. Linda Parlato
    January 9, 2021 at 9:40 pm

    I think all Ct Group homes should have cameras in common areas


  10. June 15, 2022 at 5:23 pm

    Check out the book Failure to Protect. It is available on Amazon. Or check out failuretoprotectbook.com


  11. Lisa
    January 19, 2023 at 3:22 am

    I work for KCTC in Kankakee IL
    for over 30 yrs came into work they have a camera placed in the top corner of the kitchen no abuse goes on in this home of 6 men which are very high functional it’s no reason for this to be in there home is it against they’re rights? KCTC didn’t get none of these men permission for this to be placed in their home. They claim it was placed here to catch a staff stealing this staff person was fired a month ago, and hasn’t been in this home. The camera wasn’t here when I left for a off day on Tuesday morning so it was just placed within that day. Do they have rights to place this inside their private place of Residencial living?


    • PB
      March 14, 2023 at 9:12 am

      Lisa from KCTC, please report this to Equip for Equality, the protection and advocacy organization in Illinois.

      There is an effort to require cameras in IL State Developmental centers, and that is another layer of technology and personnel which will cost a lot of money and there is questionable value in actually protecting the most vulnerable.


  12. AS
    March 14, 2023 at 4:55 pm

    As a parent, I would like cameras in the common areas for homes that provide ITS (Intensive Treatment Services). Especially if it is a home that may need to use restraint to stop aggression.


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